Your success story starts now.

Davis Fitness Solutions

Inspiration - Motivation - Intention - Discipline - Habit - PassionAchieve your goals, and maintain them for life.

Ready to get started?

Please complete the form below, and I'll be in touch to schedule a complimentary 1:1 consultation.Or, scroll down to learn more about me and how I can help you.

I'm no guru.

"I've experienced, battled, and beaten obesity - and I've kept the weight off now for over 15 years.I've juggled a demanding career, fitness goals, and family life - and thrived.I've experienced the waxing and waning of motivation - but I've learned how to be unstoppable.I coach people just like you, to achieve the health and fitness results they're after, and maintain those results for life.I know what it's like to have the desire to get and stay healthy in today's fast paced, demanding world.I know what it's like to face the sea of seemingly infinite and contradictory information out there on fat loss, muscle gain, diet, nutrition and exercise, and not know where to start or what to believe.I'm no guru, but I promise I can help you achieve your fitness goals, and more importantly, teach you how to sustain them for life.Let's go!"- Brad Davis

90% of fat loss diets fail

The difference between the 90% that fail at sustained fat loss and those that succeed is simple - It's adherence.Adherence, while a simple enough concept to understand is anything but simple to solve for when put up against the rigor and reality of day to day life. This is where the right coach can help.This is where I come in.Adherence can be broken down into a framework for success, spanning six milestones that when understood and implemented in a way that makes sense for you and your life situation, empower you to achieve virtually anything.Inspiration - Motivation - Intention - Discipline - Habit - PassionIntention, Discipline and Habit are the are the most often overlooked - and the most critical for achieving and maintaining results. This is where I specialize as a coach.If you've ever come close to, or achieved a fitness goal through some extreme dieting or fitness program, only for the results you worked so hard for slip away over time or worse, have the results you're after seem impossible to achieve because what you were doing was unsustainable - you're not alone.A diet and exercise plan doesn't do anyone any good if it's unsustainable form the start. It doesn't do anyone any good if it's predicated on fads, loosely held together broscience, and ends up wasting your time and energy.The good news is, lasting results are obtainable for anyone - but you won't get there with gimmicks or shortcuts, not if you want real results that last for life.If you're ready to put in the work, I'm ready to help. I'll arm you with the no BS knowledge to achieve the health and fitness goals you've always wanted, and work with you step by step all the while celebrating your success.

Interested in learning more?
Continue below to see the personalized coaching services I offer.

Free Consultation and Success Framework Coaching

I'll invest my own time, at no cost to you, to walk you through the success framework I've built over 10+ years and thousands of hours of personal experience and research.

Personalized Diet Plans

Diet and nutrition are everything. Anyone that tells you otherwise is misinformed at best, and knowingly lying to you at worst.I'll get to know your lifestyle and preferences so we can build a diet plan that is realistic, healthy, sustainable, and positions you for success.Contrary to what "gym rats" and most personal trainers would have you believe, diet and nutrition is far more important than exercise in the overall achievement of health and your fitness goals.This is a critical one to get right. Let's nail this down together.

Personalized Exercise Programs

I'll build you a personalized, progressive, sustainable and scientifically sound exercise plan that sets you up for success regardless of your fitness goals. Want to lose fat? Gain some muscle? Both? Do you want to have more energy at work, or at home playing with the kids? Both?Let's get to work.

Coaching when and how you need it

Your success is my obsession. We'll have regularly scheduled check-ins to go over your diet and exercise plans, and talk through any questions or challenges that you have.Whether you prefer daily or weekly check-ins, or even intra-day messaging and an occasional ad-hoc live video call - I'm here and available for you as an accelerator and champion of your success.

Ready to get started?

Please complete the form below, and I'll be in touch to schedule a complimentary 1:1 consultation.

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